
A list of some of our favorite, pedagogically relevant writings, presentations and websites…..

Segregation by Design

Zoning Atlas from Desegregate Connecticut

History of City Maps

Nine keys to safe downtown streets by Jeff Speck

Learning from Manhattan Some terrific urban lessons

Design Observer A great article about choosing a color palette in design

The Gehl Institute is about the study of public life

Hostiledesign.org keeps track of “designs against humanity”

Center for Active Design: the science of urban design

Cityfixer short articles fromThe Atlantic‘s CityLab

TODresources Resources in support of Transit Oriented Development

Public Square CNU’s journal, edited by Rob Steuteville

The Maker City movement

Naked Philly a blog that tracts small scale change in Philadelphia

West North blog urban insights by Payton Chung

James Dougherty’s Blog on “Towncrafting”

Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris on Addressing Informality in Urban Design Pedagogy

Ann Forsyth’s Collection of New Towns

Anne Whiston Spirn’s Writings and Photography

Historic Urban Plans

Spiro Kostof’s Amazing Lectures on Urban Form

Mike Batty on Spatial Complexity and Smart Cities

Per Square Mile, the world’s population, concentrated

Streetsblog is all about liveable streets

Build a Better Burb (everything you wanted to know about retrofitting Long Island)

Think.Urban: Better Design through Applied Research

CDC’s Healthy Community Design Initiative

Laurence Aurbach’s pedshet.net (includes many useful urban design-related analyses)

Besim Hakim on generative coding, historic city rules, and all things pertaining to Islamic cities

Dan Parolek on “Missing Middle Housing”

Peter Marcuse on the paradoxes of public space

The United Watershed States of America

What Tech Hasn’t Learned from Urban Planning

Made for Walking: Density and Urban Form, excerpt from Julie Campoli

What is Sustainable Urbanism? by Michael Mehaffy

Sustainable City Year Program, University of Oregon

Theory and Practice of New Urbanism, University of Miami

Design Studio for Social Intervention

Teaching History by Searching for Emics and Etics, Besim Hakim

A Model Curriculum To Meet the Challenges of the 21st Century European Built Environment, The European School of Urbanism and Architecture

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