Mapping Displacement Pressure in Chicago
Open Reblock is a project that analyzes the spatial structure of informal city blocks and uses an algorithm to suggest reblocking solutions
Learn how to create maps for Open Street Map
The Mobility Space Report showing how cars hog space
What is FAR? neighborhood building game
Square-Mile Street Network Visualization by Geoff Boeing
Zoning Check a tool that checks what zoning allows
Sustainability Rating Tools a global registry created by Criterion Planners
Paul Waddell’s UrbanSim does super fast 3D spatial data visualization
MIT’s Energy Proforma connects urban form and energy use
Transect Code Manual (step-by-step guide to transect-based coding)
Urban Likeability Project by Kheir Al-Kodmany
Make Your Own Street Interactive Web Tool
Ten Steps to Creating Complete Streets
Stroad to Boulevard and Stroad to Boulevard Interactive
The Mixopoly Workshop Method by Tom Low
How to Write a Complete Streets Policy
QGIS Boot Camp, Billy Riggs, Planetizen Course
Bicycle-friendly Streets: Design standards, Michelle DeRobertis, Planetizen Course
Plan Review, Coding, Sketchup & Rendering, the New Urban Design Institute
Example of an urban code with good graphics and a clear explanation of the permitting process (submitted by Jennifer Hurley)
Before and After Technique for visualizing urban change, by Kheir Al-Kodmany